Oh, what happened to w0bm?
Jeah, webm should be possible. I actually thought about it a lot, i dont know really know what i should do...
1. preserve z0r and make a parallel site with webm content
2. convert as much as possible to webm and make z0r completely a webm site.
3. allow webm beside flash...
I talked with a lot of people about this, i know flash support is officially ending at the end of 2020. This means chrome and firefox will both completely remove their flash support und you will need to use old browsers to view flash content (and z0r) at this point. Kind of sucks, but not much we can do about it.
Regarding possibility 2... this takes a lot of time, as good conversions to webm pretty much always need manual work. I would likely create a site where the community can submit converted loops so maybe we can get z0r recreated as good as possible in web.
Let me know what you think about it.
/edit: Oh, and regarding ads... dont worry. I'm not planning on shutting z0r down any time soon and will pay the server costs myself for now. Im still not really sure about all that GDPR stuff and would rather not count as a "business" for now.
Once im more sure about that i may put the ads back, but for now its fine.
There is a theory wich states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.