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Volume control and/or pause button

As the title says, I was wondering if there's a volume control, or a pause button?

(14-06-2014, 20:44)BeGentle Wrote: As the title says, I was wondering if there's a volume control, or a pause button?

I really don't think this is possible, since we're talking about flash loops (.SWF) files. I guess you could use keyboard shortcuts to lower the volume but the flash loops cannot be stopped, only some of them if you right click and press on ''Play'' but it doesn't work everywhere sorry.

There can be Volume control, buttons etc. But i don't think that i would add such a function... too interactive and so on ...

(12-09-2014, 09:22)khavatarie Wrote: wrong.
There can be Volume control, buttons etc. But i don't think that i would add such a function... too interactive and so on ...

Isn't that something that should be added on each specific flash loop?
Not really something you caould magically ''add'' on z0r, unless there's a way to set a volume control on the website page I'm not aware of. I'd actually like to know that.

[Image: 130129137852.jpg]

I agree, that there can be a huge difference in volume, like on Youtube, Vine or Twitch too.
But I would rather stick to adjusting the volume yourself and additionally reporting those loops that are true earrape, than getting your hopes to high, that the platform will solve this for you.
Even the VLC media players doesn't get automated volume correction that right.

Try to remember when you had to increase the volume for a more silent loop, and decrease it before going to the next one.

There is nothing that the webmaster just can apply to an .swf to unify it's volume to a certain level.
He gets the compiled extraction of the loop and wouldn't have the time to edit every single loop anyway.

That's probably Eins right now:
[Image: Buried%20under%20paperwork%203x3.jpg]

I would like it too.
But like I said, rather not get the hopes to high.

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