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Hey Eins, if you don't have time or something...

Appoint a few people to accept or deny loops instead, there are plenty of people who would be willing to spend a portion of their time every day or once in a few days sorting through the submissions for free, I know I would!

I hope you don't let this site die, it's so often made me and my friends laugh, please consider this.

This is not the first time that topic came up.

The gist of it is, that the way the whole thing is designed, it's to complicated to make it work for several/other people.

So unless the whole process gets done over and simplified by a good programmer, Status Quo will most certainly remain.

I see, that's unfortunate.

Maybe I'll make an own copy of this site then, but I think I saw from the comments somewhere there already was one but, z0r just feels more like 'home'.

It's weird to say that about such a site like this but eh, it really is nice to be on here sometimes. Sometimes often.

Unfortunate, I would really love for this site to keep on truckin.

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