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searching for a flash cartoon about pigs - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: searching for a flash cartoon about pigs (/showthread.php?tid=3395)

searching for a flash cartoon about pigs - BurntFaceMan - 21-08-2014

I'm looking for a cartoon on Youtube, of which I think that it probably was made with flash.

In that particualr cartoon,
pigs are living in a city. They are pretty poor and addicted to something (in one scene, they take that under a bridge.)

In order to get money (coins) they have to deliver meat to a human.
One pig is bringing her infant, another pig has a part of his flesh cut out.
The human whom they have to attend to, is eating that meat at home.

Does anybody know the name? I just can't remember.
I think it is about 3-6 years old.
I had no luck trying to describe it at google - just to many pig stuff.