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Full Version: All loops from 0 to 1999 defective
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The Loops from 0 to 1999 do not load but the swf File is online so that there is no Problem with open them directly.

Whats up there, Admin? ^^

Okay der Server für raz.z0r.de scheint ausgefallen zu sein und da alle loops von 0 bis 1999 ihre Daten von dem beziehen...

Eventuell mal das Skript umschreiben dass die auch ohne raz.z0r.de davor aufrufen können


Okay server raz.z0r.de seems to be down because every loop from 0 to 1999 receives data from that....
Maybe eins should rewrite the script so that it is independent from raz.z0r.de
We are on it, no need to panic or to mix languages.
Jeah, raz crashed. Should be fixed now.